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At Cultivating Aesthetics, we offer three levels of Hydrafacials:  Signature, Delux & Platinum

In addition to being a powerful aesthetic treatment for a wide range of concerns, HydraFacial are relaxing, like a traditional facial.

The patented vortex action of the HydraFacial tip provides a joint exfoliation and suction effect that feels like a gentle massage.

Thanks to the automated nature of the treatment, you’ll enjoy the same consistent mild pressure not only throughout your treatment but during every subsequent treatment.


Step One: Cleanse
We’ll focus on cleansing and softening your skin to loosen dead skin cells and prepare the way for the deep extraction of oils and impurities. 

Step Two: Extract
Using the unique painless-yet-powerful HydraFacial Syndeo suction action, we will remove loosened impurities and dead skin cells, unclogging and cleaning your pores.

Step Three: Hydrate
Finally, we’ll saturate your freshly cleansed and extracted skin with one of four special deeply-moisturizing serums that include a special blend of peptides and antioxidants, depending on your main concerns.

Step One: Cleanse
We focus on cleansing and softening your skin to loosen dead skin cells and prepare the way for the deep extraction of oils and impurities. 

Step Two: Extract
Using the unique painless-yet-powerful HydraFacial Syndeo suction action, we will remove loosened impurities and dead skin cells, unclogging and cleaning your pores.

Step Three: Hydrate
Finally, we’ll saturate your freshly cleansed and extracted skin with one of four special deeply-moisturizing serums.

What is a Hydrafacial?


The Signature HydraFacial is a 30 minute procedure that deeply cleanses, extracts, and hydrates the skin through our super serums filled with antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acids.

The Deluxe Hydrafacial is a 45 minute procedure includes a signature Hydrafacial with an added booster and light based therapies.

The Platinum HydraFacial is the ultimate HydraFacial. It starts with a detoxification process, lymphatic drainage. It also includes a special booster that can address your specific skin concerns. And finally, we conclude with LED light therapy to help banish the signs of aging.

Types we offer


  • Hydration
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Elasticity and Firmness
  • Congestion and Acne
  • Dark spots
  • Pigmentation
  • Pore size


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The patented Hydrafacial system is designed to simultaneously remove excess oils and deeply moisturize your skin with custom nutrient serums that deeply infuse your skin with the various healthy vitamins and minerals needed to get the results you want.